Saturday, December 13, 2008

Catching you up -

For those who do not quite have this posting figured out yet, and have put in comments on a particular post, remember it will only show up as a comment. No one will see your comment unless they specifically go looking - so if you want it to show up like this one, you have to sign in and write a new post. I have copied the comments from the beginning email into this post, so those of you who missed the comments can see who did...
I am at work, it is 5:30 am and I have only now had a break - 10 hours without a break is too long! Oh well, the day is almost over... and I hear we might have snow this weekend, YAY! I have lots of firewood and good books, I think I am due a snow day!
John, I of course would contribute a can of food - you should have a central drop point for anyone passing by. You needn't arrange to come pick up single cans... I don't work again until next Friday - is that too late to pick up donations? It would be the 19th, I could bring to work and you could get it here. Otherwise I will be out and about Wednesday and Thursday, could bring stuff wherever.
Okay, back to work - bye! n
Comments on the beginning post -

John Wahl said...
Hi Aunt Nancy, cool idea, we could all share a password and login and just use this as a message board etc. etc. I forwarded you message to Matt so maybe he will chime in. Cheers, John
December 5, 2008 11:07 AM
offthewahltoons said...
Auntie N:I look forward to seeing how this project evolves. Good fun.XXXOOO,'drew
December 5, 2008 2:04 PM
Staziaface said...
Hi Auntie Nancy! I know there is a way to add other contributors to the blog, but its been a while so i can't think exactly how to do it off the top of my head.. I look forward to hopefully keeping in touch with everyone on that side of the hill!=)Stazia
December 5, 2008 2:38 PM
THEO said...
As you get older you will find that if you take one day at a time you will have a easier time going through life... only 18 days until Christmas...I don't know if this will work but my tec... Im sure will fix it for me take care Theo
December 5, 2008 10:02 PM
wally74 said...
Thanks John for sending me this. Hello everyone from Helena MT. I'm busy with finals coming up and I'll get more into this after they are done.Matt
December 6, 2008 9:37 PM
merrily said...
Well,this could be great fun! Even though he would proably have been frustrated I bet dad would have liked to give this a try.So Matt,what are you doing? I live in the woods with the racoons and other critters. It's pretty special and I really liKe it. So Nancy,good job getting this started,maybe I'll figure out how to send some pictures next.Andy and Stazia and John,Good to hear you chime in.Talk to you later,lv m

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