Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winner of the Wahl Beauty Contest 2008

As we head into 2009, the competition for most beautiful Wahl member has been finalized, and I win! After working 12 hrs, driving 3-4 total in the snow, putting on and removing chains twice, taking care of creatures at home and snowed in neighbors up the road, rescuing the kitten abandoned in the snow (why me?), and chopping down the tree that fell over my fence onto the road, I just came inside and took my own picture. I figured, this picture would say it all - and so, on that note I wish you all a Happy 2009 - I'm going to bed to catch up on my beauty sleep.

Happy New Year!! n
ps - those are grandpa's glasses - my dogs chewed up mine, and I had saved his for emergency use... he would approve

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