Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Beginning...

Greetings to the assorted clan members of the Ted and Helen Wahl Norwegian Mafioso... oops, I didn't say that ,mom. :)
I thought it only right to initiate this family blog with a picture of Helen as a young woman, mainly because you KNOW she would want to be smack dab in the beginning, middle and end of it all. Of course, I am new to all this so nothing may come through as I think it will, we will see.
It is my hope we can all share not only what is happening in our lives at this time, but philosophies and plain old fun stuff too. As far as I am concerned, anything goes. Now I am not quite sure how to add everyone on as "contributors" - if need be, I'll just give my email/password and anyone can sign on as me - otherwise, I guess you just post comments. Any of you computer guru's who want to figure it out and let all know, please do - for now, I have to go to bed so I can get up and go to work, gotta buy more cat food...
Happy Holidays all - I hope this works out as a way of communicating! bye for now, lv,n



Hi Aunt Nancy, cool idea, we could all share a password and login and just use this as a message board etc. etc. I forwarded you message to Matt so maybe he will chime in. Cheers, John

Anonymous said...

Auntie N:

I look forward to seeing how this project evolves. Good fun.


Staziaface said...

Hi Auntie Nancy! I know there is a way to add other contributors to the blog, but its been a while so i can't think exactly how to do it off the top of my head.. I look forward to hopefully keeping in touch with everyone on that side of the hill!

THEO said...

As you get older you will find that if you take one day at a time you will have a easier time going through life... only 18 days until Christmas...I don't know if this will work but my tec... Im sure will fix it for me take care Theo

wally74 said...

Thanks John for sending me this. Hello everyone from Helena MT. I'm busy with finals coming up and I'll get more into this after they are done.


merrily said...

Well,this could be great fun! Even though he would proably have been frustrated I bet dad would have liked to give this a try.So Matt,what are you doing? I live in the woods with the racoons and other critters. It's pretty special and I really liKe it. So Nancy,good job getting this started,maybe I'll figure out how to send some pictures next.Andy and Stazia and John,Good to hear you chime in.Talk to you later,lv m