Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Helen's Hotline

I had to laugh - Debby said this about the blog "Mom would have loved it, wouldn't she? Maybe we should call this blog "Helen's Hotline". Maybe we could even get her spirit to participate!" So there you go, ma, the challenge is issued - we expect to see some participation! You know, mom was pretty good with her WebTV, I'm betting she could figure it out :)

Yep, can't beat this snow. I took cookies to the 80 year old men up the road, then a short while later I see them go tootling past in their truck :) Me, I'm just sitting here watching the icicles grow - and Debby and I really do remember one icicle that was over 8' long when we were kids - it was the same year the goldfish froze! COLD!

Home sweet home - thanks Theo for finding me my cabin 27 years ago...

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